Sabtu, Agustus 18, 2007

Be An Angel Day

I look at the old man who leans by the sidewalk to strum his guitar. His music is sound, though he is blind. The stray dog, a homeless animal, which accompanies him wherever he goes, is his first loyal fan. It eggs him on by barking a warn when he misses a note….He whistles a tune, strums a warm-up stroke, and then settles into the melody. The sincerity with which he goes about it is what makes me like him more than his music. He's a man of small needs, I guess…he never breaks his rhythm to count the cents and dollars. Twilight time it was and I happen to pass by with Meggy….we just stood transfixed as the old man was passionately belting out his wares gleefully. Foot tapping, we patiently heard it all. Then Meggy, the kind-hearted soul, dropped a dollar. Once he was through, he seemed to be in a hurry. Against his nature, he counted the money with his fumbling fingers and felt his way guided by his poodle. He was out of the Mac with a piping hot coffee and some delicacy. He immediately spread the buffet and made way for his poodle to whet its appetite. When the dog feasted on making a slurpy noise, he leaned on to the pavement, closed his eyes, patted its mane and smiled…maybe his first of the day. Looked an Angel. Yeah ! We still have people like this.


Tell A Joke Day

Well, I don't purposefully crack a joke a day people, but there comes a phone call everyday to lure me to buy one commodity or another and I tried yelling at all possible decibels…never worked. And then I tried this…
Ring. Ring.
"Hello ?" "Good Morning Sir, I am calling on behalf of The MAS Bank and…." "MAS ? Never heard of that" Confused."Sir, we are debuting in the market and we offer…" I got it…this guy is not gonna hang up for an hour now."Sir, the interest rates are the best in ….." "I was just wondering about the war you know…" I started."Err….Sir…,of course, it's bad" He mumbled."Nah ! the Civil War, I don't know what would happen, look at Lincoln…he is taking decisions by minute" "Sir…that's history" Shocked"But tell me, why should my Old Man shout at me for not coming to Christmas ?" "I'm sorry Sir, I'm not able to follow you" "You a stalker, Mr. ?" "No, Sir…I mean," "Kong, come here….please talk to Mr. Kong… Whoof…bark….grrrrrrrrr…. Click.
Relief ! Not exactly good manners, but if you get 15 calls a day like this, you tend to become sadistic. But here too, humor helps !


Anime Link

Here the link to japan anime :

Journey to Ancient City

On Friday, August, 10, 2007, I went to Solo City-Middle Java-Indonesia with my fellow neighbourhood. Actually that day we have 2 days national off, so we do a journey, and we would like to visit some amazing object such Prambanan Temple, Malioboro nightspot, Klewer Market, Parangtitis Beach and Ganjuran Village. We are regroup at 8.00 pm at Teratai Square and departed at 9.00 pm with 1 bus. I dont like the bus because seats aren't reclining seats, the space is very light, so i got leg-ache, air conditioner aren't adjustable so I feel frozen like fish on refrigerator. We stopped by to refuel at Ngawi, and Mojokerto. Our first target is Ganjuran Village, arrived at 5.00 am, I got pray at temple, join my fellow to do Misa Ekaristi, and went to bath. The water so cold and fresh, make my body wake up and recharge to start our trips, then continued with a cup of coffee and mealbox for my breakfast. At 8.00 am we departed to Parangtitis Beach and Kasongan Village to seeing ethnic and traditional handycraft, with good quality and cheap price, if you could bargain the price. Glass, sculpture, vases, lamp, chair, table, painting, and many other are ready to buy to make room looks beautiful.
At 9.45 am we are continued to go to Prambanan Temple, to see beautiful temple that destroyed when tsunami and earthquake at 2005, i have some picture to destroyed temple,
After that we got lunch on mealbox and a cup of water. Then go to Klewer Market to buy some clothes that called Batik( very cheap). Then go to Malioboro street for dinner ( I like so much) the unique recipe such Gudeg Rice, Liwet Rice, Crushed Bone Chicken Fried, Timlo, Ronde, Pecel Rice and many more. At 7.30 pm we are departure to Surabaya, and stopped by at Ngawi to refuel and Mojokerto to supper, and arrived with safe to Surabaya at 01.00 am.
So I went home and get sleep for 8 hours to sunday morning.

Jumat, Juli 27, 2007

Lets Cook Together

Hi there,
This is Link of Recipe of Asian Foods :

I Love to try cooking by myself, because it becomes to be a great challenge to satisfy the people who eats my cooking. It looks easy, but when i get started, it would need technique to assembly meat, vegetables, seasoning, oil and other raw food become a delicious and tastefull foods.

Sometime I feel satisfy, happy and closer to my family by doing cooking and eating with my family and friends. My old man often says that Loves comes from heart and coming down to our stomach.

So why do you waiting for??? (-:
Lets Get Started and share our love to family and friend by gathering on dinner.
Good Luck

Jokes From Putri

Kejadian ini terjadi pada suatu hari di tengah hutan, ketika diadakan pendidikan dasar untuk para pencinta alam. Seorang senior(instruktur)menemukan sebuah pisau lipat yang tergeletak di atas tanah. Menurut ketentuan yang berlaku selama pendidikan dasar, barang siapa yangmeninggalkan sesuatu selama perjalanan harus dihukum.
Senior tersebut dengan segera mengambil pisau lipat tadi dan bermaksud untuk menghukum siswa pendidikan dasar yang telah lalai meninggalkan pisau lipatnya. Setelah para siswa berkumpul semua, sang senior dengan nada berwibawa berkata,"Siapa yang merasa kehilangan pisau lipat di tengah perjalanan tadi?". Tak ada satu pesertapun yang berani menjawab.
Kemudian sang senior menambahkan, "Hayo cepat? saya sebenarnya sudahtahu siapa pemilik pisau lipat ini karena namanya terukir disitu. Tapi saya ingin kejujuran kalian untuk mengaku!"Masih tidak ada jawaban dari peserta."Karena tidak ada yang dengan jujur mau mengakui kesalahannya maka saya akan panggil namanya !!!".
Peserta masih saja diam.Akhirnya sang senior habis kesabarannya, diambilnya pisau lipat tadi kemudian dengan lantang dia berkata, "Stain... maju ke depan!"> . Para siswa saling melirik kalau-kalau ada yang maju ke depan.Karena tidak ada yang maju ke depan si senior berkata lagi, "Saya panggil sekali lagi yang bernama STAINLESS STEEL untuk maju ke depan !!!"

Jokes From Putri

Budi pada dasarnya tidak menyukai kucing. Ia semakin benci ketika istrinya memelihara seekor kucing. Budi merasa istrinya jadi lebih perhatian pada kucingnya daripada dirinya.
Suatu hari Budi memutuskan untuk membuang kucing tersebut secara diam- diam. Ketika istrinya sedang mandi, ia pamit pergi keluar sebentar dan dibawanya si kucing.Ketika Budi bermobil sekitar 10 km dari rumah, ia pun membuang kucing tersebut. Anehnya ketika ia sampai di rumah, si kucing sudah ada disana. Budi heran campur berang.
Sore harinya ia pergi lagi. Kali ini si kucing dibuangnya lebih jauh lagi. Namun tetap saja, sesampainya di rumah,kucing istrinya tersebut telah berada di sana . Budi berusaha membuangnya lebih jauh lagi, lebih jauh lagi, tapi tetap Saja si kucing kembali ke rumah mendahului dirinya.
Suatu hari ia tidak saja membawa si kucing pergi jauh, tapi juga berputar-putar dulu. Budi belok kanan, belok kiri, belok kanan,belok kanan lagi, berputar-putar sebelum akhirnya membuang kucing yang dibawanya.
Beberapa jam kemudian ia menelepon istrinya.
"Tik, kucingmu ada di rumah?" tanya Budi. " Ada , kenapa? Tumben nanya si Manis segala," jawab istrinya agak heran.
"Panggil dia Tik, aku mau tanya arah pulang. Aku kesasar....!"

Sabtu, Juli 14, 2007

Friday 13th at Puhsarang

Hello There,
Iam just back from my trip to kediri. Yesterday, 12th of July, I went from Surabaya to Kediri, and takes about 4 hours with car. At Kediri, we regroup at Puhsarang village, not far from Kediri, there are meeting and pray to celebrate Legi Friday Night ( Javanese people always do it to forward the ancient tradition ) The Ceremony begun at 12 o'clock midnight with singing song, then the priest light up the candle, smog ( from light up kemenyan ). then we were pray, and do meditation until the priest singing song and then begun his lecturer.

Selasa, Juli 10, 2007

By Andrew Kawilarang ( 10/07/07 )

Hi There, visit other blog that created by Andrew

( contain obituari and story about my mother, Maya who pass away at March,26,2006 )

( contain personal

Kamis, Juli 05, 2007

Evening with My Friends

by Andrew Kawilarang ( 5 Juli 2007 )

Hi Everyone,
Today I met my friend, say Mr Gani a.k.a. Mr Happy Ghost at his office. I started with make two cup of coffee, and said It was a cup of coffee but It is taste delicious. We are discuss about work, family and life style. And there is a joke spoken by my friends :

Salah Kirim

Sebuah perusahaan telah berpindah lokasi yang baru. Salah satu mitra perusahaan telah memesan bunga untuk dikirimkan ke lokasi tersebut. Ia juga hadir dalam resepsi peresmian yang meriah tersebut, sambil ia mencari bunga kirimannya di antara kiriman bunga yang ada.
Akhirnya, ia mendapati bunganya terkirim dengan ucapan "Rest In Peace". Dengan kesal ia menelepon perusahaan bunga yang mengirimkannya dan mengeluhkan apa yang dilihatnya.
Setelah ia puas marah-marah, ia menunggu jawaban dari petugas bunga tersebut. Inilah jawabnya, "Tuan, kami minta maaf atas kesalahan kami hari ini, tapi daripada Anda marah-marah terhadap yang sudah terlanjur, sebaiknya anda berpikir positif. Bayangkanlah, ada sebuah upacara penguburan hari ini yang menerima kiriman bunga indah dengan kartu ucapan yang berbunyi: SELAMAT BAGI ANDA YANG MENEMPATI LOKASI BARU."
From this joke, we know that :
1. We know that our life is limited by ages, and we don't know when that time is come for us.
2. We often to make mistake when doing something or working, the reason are forget to do our works, not concentrate to working, and so on.
3. Is it true that dying from this world means replace to other places and starts to continue a new life there??
And also have another jokes :
Ayat yang Cocok Untuk Perkawinan

Seorang guru Sekolah Minggu menguji anak-anak kelas besar dengan hapalan ayat.
"Siapa yang bisa menyebutkan ayat yang sesuai untuk pembaptisan?"
"Siapa yang percaya dan dibaptis akan diselamatkan, tetapi siapa yang tidak percaya akan dihukum," jawab seorang anak.
Nah, bagaimana kalau ayat untuk pengampunan?"
"Jikalau kamu mengampuni kesalahan orang, Bapamu yang di surga akan mengampuni kamu juga."
"Wah, ternyata kalian pintar-pintar.
Coba sekarang, sebutkan ayat yang cocok untuk perkawinan!
"Ternyata kali ini tidak ada yang tahu. Namun, beberapa saat kemudian, seorang anak mengangkat tangan dengan malu-malu.
Ia pun mengucapkannya pelan-pelan, "Ya Bapa, ampunilah mereka, sebab mereka tidak tahu apa yang mereka perbuat."
From thats jokes we learn :
- The marriage often starts with a happy story and then turns quickly to be nightmare if the couple don't have understanding, respect and same vision. So there are no end for every problem.
- Children have an innocent to look at every problem and everything around him.
- We have the answer of our problem by sitting on chair and reading bible. Then we thinks slowly and listen to our heart the voice of God, answer our pray and complaint.
How about solution and other topics. Please send us comment, because your comment very meaning to us to write betterer.
See you next weeks. (-:

Kamis, Juni 28, 2007

Today on My Class

Today on My Class
by Andrew Kawilarang ( June, 28, 2007 )

Hi see u again, this evening I spend my time to joined class that speaks about A Happy Life in Family and Works at World Trade Center Surabaya-Indonesia. The keynote Speaker Fr Simon Pereira C.Ss.R. The first Question is What's your purposes to get married and build your own family? The answer is various, eg : to get happiness life, to have children, to find good patner, but someone says the marriage is a way to sadness, pain, destruction, and hell. why?? because husband have a list of ransom to his wife and so on the wife, so theiy don't reach their happiness because they are selfish each other.

The key to marriage is have a happy life, Peace, and Prosperity. The Leader is a process to influence the way of thinking and behaviour of the man to reach a goal.
4 base of Leadership :
1. Heart ( Mat 6:45 )
When influence others, motivated they about what's stored on your heart ( for his own good )
2. Heads
Have a clear vision about future and planning about family
3. Hands
People would aggree and understand about our motivation and vision with our works
4. Habits
Avoids energy loss because our routine lifes with growing up our habits to spirituality to recharge our energy and lifes.

Leadership Principal :
1. Loves
2. Respect
3. Honesty and Rule
4. Loyalty
5. Forgive

That's I learned today. would you agree? That is your choice to chosen, it is free to you. But I want to share what I got today to you. Maybe the keynote speaker is right about life in marriage often looks like hell, but the other side is bring hapiness to people who can manage the difference to his couple. But I can't speaks more because I'm single and don't have experience of marriage. Do you have story and comment about this topics? Do not hesitate to email me at Thank You to read my posting

Selasa, Juni 26, 2007

Hari Hari Kerja Yang Boring

Hari-hari Kerja Yang Boring.
by Andrew Kawilarang

Hai, May I introduce myself, my name Andrew Kawilarang and works on Printing Business. Every workday, I started at 7.30 am on marketing division, I started with a couple of telephon from my Boss, my client, my staff and my family. It is end at 9.00 am and I feel comfortable to drink a cup of my cofee ( Lampung Coffee mixed with sugar and chocolate ) Try it someday, and enjoy the energy. After that I started to calling my customer and meet them to make sales of my company, Printing Goods, such as magazine, journal, textbook, news, agenda, brocchure, advertising, etc.

Half of my working time ends at road to meet my client at their office or meeting room. Sometime my meeting goin well with sales from my customer, and sometime goin bad with a lot of complain and terms from my client before they buy our product. It is far from my imagination to sell company product, so I feel guilty and angry to myself because I had my bad day. But After that I stop and thinking Whats Wrong?